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The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists Since 1983
The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists
Since 1983
Find the right tank for your project

You asked, we delivered: Weigh batters for horizontal Silos


Pictured: The new horizontal gravity silo with batcher

First we created horizontal silos – now we’ve equipped them with weigh batchers.

Before ATI and Portasilo produced a working horizontal silo or equivalent in new website] design in 2001, the industry had to deal with the problems associated with vertical silos, like ground loading and the need to build hard-standing bases to ensure stability. Our customers asked for a silo that was easier to:

Prepare: reducing the need for a concrete pad
Install: reducing ground loading
Transport: able to fit on a flatbed
Position: with just a suitable forklift.

Test and test again

By honing and testing our prototypes, eventually we came up with the design that is now seen as the best option for multi-product horizontal gravity silos, able to handle a wide range of powdered and granulated products up to around 2mm without the need for modification.

Now with added weigh batcher

All these years later our comprehensive fleet is as popular as ever; however, customers asked time and time again: “Do you have weigh batchers for these silos?”

Well, now we have developed a reliable system that works with the inverter-based drives on our horizontal silos. This single-batch system can handle up to 250kg per batch, and is compatible with all 33 gravity silos in our fleet. Find out for yourself – call us on 01493 441747.


Pictured: Plans for the original horizontal gravity silo

Email us or call ATI Tank hire now on 01493 441747