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The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists Since 1983
The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists
Since 1983
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Archive for Bunded Tanks

Meet with Tina for your Tank Hire requirements at EEEGR North Sea

In conjunction with the Oil & Gas Authority (OGA) and the Decommissioning, reuse and supply chain, EEEGR will be promoting DECOM North Sea at Norwich City Football Club on 29 January 2020.  Tina will be there to answer any questions you may have regarding storage tank hire. With presentations, case studies and Q&A sessions with […]

Meet with Tina

Tina is out again this week. Visiting the UK AD Biogas Expo at the NEC Birmingham she will be discussing potential storage tank hire for waste and slurry. http://www.biogastradeshow.com/why-attend/ Anaerobic digestion (AD) can play a key role in recycling organic wastes – such as slurry or manure. If there is a requirement for extra capacity […]

Safety by Choice, Not by Chance

Your safety is very important to us.  We are modifying our open-top bunded tank fleet with the addition of handrails and walkways which will enable safer customer access. Having clear access to the manway has never been so straightforward, thanks to the help of our Welder/Fabricators.