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The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists Since 1983
The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists
Since 1983
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James Bool – Company Secretary

James Bool, ATI's Company Secretary

James Bool

James started work in 1986 as a Payroll Clerk. In 1987 he was promoted within the company to Financial Controller. ‘This was in the days before computers.’ James recalls. ‘Accuracy was important otherwise it could get rather time consuming finding discrepancies. In particular, I remember not looking forward to preparing year-end payrolls every April which could be extremely monotonous.’

In 1989 he worked as a trainer and assessor where he trained unemployed people towards NVQs in administration and accountancy. Between 1993 and 1996 he spent the majority of his time travelling around the UK advising other training centres and undertaking verification work.

James joined Lowestoft College in 1997 as lecturer in accountancy and worked solely on a wide range of courses including AAT (foundation to technician level) and IAB (computerised payroll and accounting). He was also responsible for all financial modules at degree-level. During his working career James has gained three degree level qualifications in Accountancy, Administration and Education.

In 2007, James left his role as lecturer to concentrate on his business activities. He incorporated as Accounting Equations Limited in 2002 and provides a pro-active service to small businesses in the Great Yarmouth area.

Over the years James has acquired an extensive knowledge of accountancy and taxation principles. He tends not to use commercial accountancy software and relies on traditional bookkeeping methods to prepare accounts with each business being treated as a distinct individual.

“Accuracy is so important”

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