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The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists Since 1983
The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists
Since 1983
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Art & A Woman on the Edge!

Just a few miles down the road from our ATI base is where our Marketing Executive, Maria McNevin has her studio and gallery (the most easterly point in the UK – ‘on the edge’!).

Maria is a champion of the artist, John Reay.

John’s work is collected by museums, and corporations such as BP and McDonald’s among others. He painted not only his much-loved Lowestoft, but also in London, New York, and St Petersburg where he exhibited.

He died in 2011, aged 63, shortly after the death of his son, Jamie.

His work then disappeared from the town with nothing being shown for over 11 years.

Maria commented, “I used my own collection of John’s work when I started the business and talked about him on social media. In 2021, his son Dave contacted me to ask if we could work together to bring the work back ‘home’ to Lowestoft via the Orkney Islands some 710 miles away!

Zip forward several months and a replica of John’s huge Punch & Judy print hangs on the outside wall of the gallery, announcing the exhibition as ‘Reay of Light’.

The free exhibition is open to all 11-4 pm on Sat & Sun, opening by appointment only for weekdays – Be quick as the exhibition closes the evening of 10 August.

You can find out more: www.anotheranglestudio.co.uk.
Unit 6, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft NR32 1DE (07825 487049)

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