01493 441747
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The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists Since 1983
The Tank and Silo Hire Specialists
Since 1983
Find the right tank for your project

Archive for Tank and Silo Hire

Spencer’s Sports Bar

We are proud to be sponsoring Spencer’s Pool Bar, with both his Amateur Series and Norfolk County Pool tournaments. The Amateur Series starts on the 15th of March and has 72 players playing for great prize money all looking to improve their skills. The events happen at Spencer’s Pool Bar on Saturdays. Entries are still […]

Meet with Tina

Tina is out again this week. Visiting the UK AD Biogas Expo at the NEC Birmingham she will be discussing potential storage tank hire for waste and slurry. http://www.biogastradeshow.com/why-attend/ Anaerobic digestion (AD) can play a key role in recycling organic wastes – such as slurry or manure. If there is a requirement for extra capacity […]

New Apprentice for ATI

We are pleased to welcome Nicholas Heywood our new apprentice Welder/Fabricator to the ATI Team.  Nick will be working alongside Matt learning all about tank/silo repairs and modifications.  Nick will attend college on day-release to study for his City & Guilds Level 3 in Welding and Fabrication.

Photo of a horizontal tank

We’re visiting InfraRail UK at Excel Centre London

InfraRail UK at Excel Centre – Will you be at InfraRail in London this Thursday 3 May?  Justin and Tina will be available to answer any questions regarding tank and silo hire.  If you’d like to arrange to meet, email justin@atitanks.co.uk or tina@atitanks.co.uk Alternatively call 01493 441747. We hope to see you there!  http://www.infrarail.com/2018/

Infrarail UK 2018 Black Logo

Matthew Soanes joins the ATI team…

We are pleased to announce Matthew Soanes has recently joined our dedicated team of staff.  Matt will be working in the Yard, carrying out modifications and repairs to our large fleet of storage tanks and silos.